Jemima Pierre: UN “Peacekeeping” in Haiti

Jemima Pierre speaks on Haiti for the Canadian Foreign Policy Institute’s Understanding Canadian Peacekeeping webinar.

Jemima Pierre is the Haiti/Americas Coordinator for the Black Alliance for Peace & and Associate Professor in the Departments of African American Studies & Anthropology, UCLA.

While few Canadian troops have been devoted to UN missions in recent years, Ottawa just pushed to extend an 18-year-old UN mission in Haiti and Canadian forces are patrolling near China under cover of the United Nations Command originally set up to fight the Korean War. In another important piece of Canadian UN peacekeeping history, Belgium recently returned the tooth of Congolese independence leader Patrice Lumumba who was killed during a UN mission.

“Understanding Canadian peacekeeping” will discuss whether peacekeeping has been an alternative to NATO or a means to advance Washington’s objectives.

Join Professor Jemima Pierre, journalist Mitchell Thompson, Professor Walter Dorn, author Yves Engler and Dr Peter Langille at this free public webinar.