South Africa vs Israel: What is at Stake is the Fate and Future of All Humanity

I am joined today by two amazing guests. Diana Buttu, Palestinian lawyer, part of the Palestinian legal team in 2004 at the ICJ and William Schabas, the most prominent legal expert in the world on the question of Genocide. William was counsel at the ICJ in 2014 for the Serbia vs Croatia case and in 2019 for the Myanmar vs Gambia case.

How long before the verdict? What does it mean in practice? What is the power of the ICJ to enforce its verdict? How will this case affect the CCR case vs Joe Biden? What are the obligations of other states?

A fascinating insight into South Africa vs Israel at the ICJ.

Had the honour to speak to two of the most amazing women I know. Francesca Albanese, UN special rapporteur to the occupied Palestinian territories, and Susan Abulhawa, one of the most loved palestinian author and activist. This is episode 2 of my new show for Mondoweiss, “Witnessing Palestine”.