Freedom Convoy – Workers Struggle or Far Right Provocation?

This week, Briahna Joy Gray speaks to Green Party 2016 Vice Presidential candidate, activist, and National Spokesperson for Black Alliance for Peace, Ajamu Baraka, Canadian journalist and co-host of Michael & Us, Luke Savage, & Canadian freelance writer and cohost of Unredacted with Glenn Greenwald Q. Anthony Omene about how the left should approach the convoy of Canadian truckers that have been protesting following a vaccine mandate for truckers crossing the US/Canadian boarder.

Should the left be trying to use this uprising as an opportunity for left radicalization?

Are mandates with little public health benefit worth the political backlash?

Is the left ultimately envious that it rarely mobilizes as effectively as these Canadian protesters have done?

Is this what the George Floyd uprising should have been?

Brie asks these questions, and more. Listen to or watch the full episode at