Egypt, Jordan, UAE: Why Let a Genocide Get in the Way of Business?

Vanessa Beeley An Egyptian soldier at the Taba Crossing 430km north-east of Cairo. Egyptian, UAE and Jordanian exports to Israel soar in 2024 A recent report published by the Israeli Central Bureau of Statistics reveals foreign trade by country and demonstrates an increase in imports from the US by 28.5 %. No need to guess what those…

Why Egypt is Not a Friend of Palestine: Part II – Sisi Deepens Ties with Israel

Vanessa Beeley Sisi has placed Egypt in a position of political and military paralysis – destroying Egypt’s sovereignty in the process In Part One I covered Egypt’s debt quagmire that has reduced its ability to act as a sovereign nation, indebted to the Western neocolonialist cartel and their Arab State allies in the region. Source: Central Bank…

Why Egypt is Not a Friend of Palestine: Part I – The Economic Trap

Vanessa Beeley Our path to Palestine will not be covered with a red carpet or with yellow sand. Our path to Palestine will be covered with blood… In order that we may liberate Palestine, the Arab nation must unite, the Arab armies must unite, and a unified plan of action must be established. Gamal Abdul…

Egyptian Soldiers Say Their Army Has Failed Gaza

Shahenda Naguib Egyptian special forces soldiers deploy near the border with the Gaza Strip on 20 October 2023 (AFP) Conscripts at the Sinai-Gaza border decry the Sisi government’s silence on the killing of own soldiers and inaction towards Israeli atrocities. Since the Israeli onslaught on neighbouring Gaza in October, Egyptian soldier Mohamed Omar* has felt helpless. Omar, 23, has…

Israel Seizes Entire Gaza–Egypt Border

The Cradle The Philadelphi corridor, a lifeline to both the resistance and the people of Gaza, is now under Israeli control. The Israeli army said on 29 May that its forces took control of the Philadelphi corridor on the Gaza Strip’s southern border with Egypt. The corridor runs along the southern edge of Rafah and includes the city’s border…

Egypt Joins Growing Number of Countries Supporting South Africa vs Israel

Ahram Online Egypt announced its intention to officially intervene in support of South Africa’s genocide case against Israel at the International Court of Justice (ICJ), the Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced on Sunday. The ministry stated that Egypt’s decision to intervene in the lawsuit comes in light of the escalating severity and scope of Israeli…

The Battle of Rafah: A Short Step to Regional War

Tawfik Chouman All eyes are on Rafah as Israel prepares to mount an invasion to expel Palestinians or decimate them. It is this pivotal battle that will either force Israel into a ceasefire or thrust the region into an all-out, multi-front war. The temporary truce struck on 24 November between the Hamas resistance movement and the Israeli…

Egypt’s Atrophy Could Revive the Brotherhood

Bashar Lakkis The unprecedented political, economic, and social crises in Egypt may trigger a resurgence of the Muslim Brotherhood, which has historically filled gaps the state cannot meet. On the morning of 4 March, the State Security Criminal Court in Egypt sentenced the Muslim Brotherhood’s supreme guide Mohammed Badie to death, along with seven of the outlawed…

Egypt’s Role in the Israeli Genocide of Palestinians

Vanessa Beeley Normalisation with Israel is a stab in the back for the Palestinian cause. I have recently done a few reports on the role of Egypt in the blockade of Gaza and the massive investment in the Sinai by Saudi Arabia, UAE and Jordan. One thing is for sure, Egypt does not prioritise the…

Will Egypt Accept Palestinian Displacement in Exchange for Debt Relief?

Mohamad Hasan Sweidan Egypt’s stability is crucial for Saudi Arabia and the UAE, but now they’re linking financial aid to the mass displacement of Gazans to Sinai, which poses an even greater threat to Cairo’s national security. As Israel’s brutal military assault on Gaza escalates, reports continue to swirl about a big Egyptian trade-off in the works:…

Can International Law Help End Israel’s Genocide in Gaza?

Maureen Clare Murphy Palestinian child gestures as crying amid Palestinian children wait in line to receive food prepared by volunteers for Palestinian families ,displaced to Southern Gaza due to Israeli attacks, between rubbles of destroyed buildings in Rafah, Gaza on February 10, 2024. [Belal Khaled – Anadolu Agency ] The US wielding its veto at the Security…

Sinai’s Rising Walls Close on 1.5 Million Palestinians in Rafah

Asma Barakat On Feb. 14, the Sinai Foundation for Human Rights released information on state-sanctioned construction occurring in Eastern Sinai. The report revealed that construction work is intended to build “a gated area surrounded by 7-meter-high walls” meant to contain over 100,000 people in the event that Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) forcibly expel Palestinians from Gaza into the Sinai…

Egypt’s Sinai Construction Supports Israel’s Ethnic Cleansing in Gaza

Heba Gowayed A SOLIDER CLOSES THE GATE TO ENTER THE RAFAH BORDER CROSSING TO EGYPT IN THE SOUTHERN GAZA STRIP ON NOVEMBER 1, 2023. (PHOTO: STRINGER/APA IMAGES) Israel has been clear about its plans to force Palestinians from Gaza, and Egypt is now reportedly building an area to receive them. Palestinians need a respite from…

Genocide: How Treacherous Arab States are Complicit with Israel

Mnar Adley Palestine’s Arab neighbors seem to have taken a bold stance on Israel’s genocide of Gaza in a public show of solidarity with Palestinians. But behind those strong words, states like Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and the UAE are quietly assisting Israel. These four nations are working together to circumvent the actions of one…

Starving Gaza: Egypt and Israel’s Rafah Weapon

The Cradle While Israel’s starvation siege of Gaza is well-known, Egypt helps maintain the status quo, quietly profiting from life-or-death border crossing operations. On a rainy morning, a group of Palestinian children gathered in the city of Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip. The gathering was not spontaneous, as children quickly began holding signs reading “Open…

UK’s Secret Deployment: 500 Extra Troops Sent to Cyprus Base

Matt Kennard UK soldiers patrol at RAF Akrotiri, Britain’s vast air base on Cyprus. (Photo: Ministry of Defence) New troops take number of UK personnel on Britain’s Cyprus bases to nearly 3,000 Figure does not include SAS personnel deployed to island for Gaza operations Secret detachment of 129 American airmen are also deployed on UK…

Menendez Indictment Exposes the US-Egypt Weapons to Ukraine Dispute

Steven Sahiounie US Senator Robert Menendez, (D. NJ.) temporarily stepped down from his powerful role as chairman of the Senate Relations Committee, according to Senate Minority Leader Senator Chuck Schumer, following accusations of political corruption and breach of US national security. On September 22, Menendez was indicted by federal prosecutors in New York, along with…