Australia: Answers Needed on Pine Gap Complicity in Gaza Genocide

Pip Hinman Although officially a ‘joint facility’, Pine Gap is essentially a United States military base. Richard Tanter, a senior research associate at the Nautilus Institute, formally complained to the Inspector General of Intelligence and Security (IGIS) about possible Australian complicity in what the International Court of Justice (ICJ) regards as “plausible claims of genocide in Gaza”….

UK Quietly Expands Secret Spy Base Near Iran

Phil Miller GCHQ’s spy station in Salalah, Oman. (Photo: Google Earth) Exclusive: Facilities at a GCHQ surveillance station in the Middle East have been upgraded ahead of a potentially devastating new war with Iran over Israel. Communications cable being laid between Oman and Australia goes via the UK’s military base at Diego Garcia Britain likely…

Targeting Palestine

Peter Cronau Pine Gap, here seen from the south-east, is a sprawling US military base sprouting some 40 satellite dishes and radomes. It is jointly run by the US and Australia, and forms part of the Five Eyes global surveillance network. (Photo: Felicity Ruby) Australia’s secret support for the Israeli assault on Gaza, through Pine…

Project Invictus: Inside the UK’s Human Rights Busting Campaign to Spy on Refugees

Kit Klarenberg In recent months, the British government’s war on refugees has included a relentless deluge of vicious xenophobic rhetoric from ministers and human rights-busting, UN-condemned legislation in the form of the Illegal Migration Bill, and is seemingly intensifying with each passing day. Despite backlash from the public and certain sections of the media, this virulent…

Revealed: U.S Secret Military Deployment on British Cyprus

Matt Kennard An aerial view of RAF Akrotiri, the British air base on Cyprus where US military personnel are deployed. (Photo: Google Earth) US Air Force is expanding its deployment on RAF’s Cyprus base to 129 airmen New 147-room installation is being built by US military across 1.5 acres of British base to house its…

British-Run Spy Tech Powers Ukraine Proxy War, Putting Civilians at Risk

Kit Klarenberg Leaked files reveal the Anomaly 6 spy firm is providing intelligence to the British military through a cut-out involved in the Kerch Bridge bombing and other acts of dangerous sabotage in the Ukraine conflict. On December 6th, The Grayzone revealed how British military and intelligence agencies were deploying technology created by shadowy private intelligence firm Anomaly…

Private Spying Firm Targets Global Population with Illegal Spyware

Kit Klarenberg A Washington DC-area Anomaly 6 firm is marketing illegal spy tech that can scrape an individual’s most sensitive personal data by tracking their smartphone. The British Ministry of Defence and GCHQ are potential buyers. Leaked documents reviewed by The Grayzone reveal how a smartphone tracking technology tramples over fundamental data protection tenets and international law,…