Jemima Pierre: How the West Underdeveloped Haiti

red. What are the roots of Haiti’s prolonged crisis? Haitian-American scholar Jemima Pierre takes us through the history of how the West underdeveloped the country, from French colonial looting and debt slavery to US invasions and imperialism. Far from being a “poor country” locked in a cycle of violence, Haiti has been systematically destroyed by…

Jemima Pierre: Decolonising Haiti

The Battleground Gaza may own today’s headlines. With good reason. But Haiti would come a close second in any misery index survey. Mired in an endless state of anarchy, its dystopian situation has become a blur to most international news media, except broadcasters like Al Jazeera. It’s not rocket science to figure out why. Enter…

Dr. Jemima Pierre: The Real Reason the US is Invading Haiti

BreakThrough News The US is moving forward with its plans to invade Haiti by way of a UN-backed police force led by Kenya. The intervention was postponed after Haiti’s unelected prime minister Ariel Henry resigned in March but CARICOM’s recent appointment of a ‘transitional council’ has revived the plans. Dr. Jemima Pierre, Professor of Global…

Jemima Pierre: Canada’s Role in the Dismantling of the Haitian State

Dru Oja Jay and Jemima Pierre Canadian military pilots fly over Port-au-Prince in March 2004, a few weeks after the coup d’etat. Photo: Combat Camera Professor Jemima Pierre dissects Canada’s participation in a 20-year debacle of military occupations and failed elections in Haiti Dru Oja Jay: Welcome to The Breach Show featuring sharp analysis on…

Jemima Pierre: UN “Peacekeeping” in Haiti

Jemima Pierre speaks on Haiti for the Canadian Foreign Policy Institute’s “Understanding Canadian Peacekeeping” webinar. Jemima Pierre is the Haiti/Americas Coordinator for the Black Alliance for Peace & and Associate Professor in the Departments of African American Studies & Anthropology, UCLA. While few Canadian troops have been devoted to UN missions in recent years, Ottawa…

Caribbean: US Militarization is a Threat to Peace

A.T. Freeman Tradewinds 2024 From 4-16 May, the 39th annual Tradewinds military exercise took place in Barbados, co-hosted by the Barbados Defence Force (BDF) and the United States Southern Command (SOUTHCOM). This year’s exercise, dubbed Tradewinds 2024, involved more than 1600 military personnel from 26 participating countries plus representation from various regional organisations. In addition to…

Haiti: An Anatomy of Invasion

Jemima Pierre Secretary of State Antony Blinken, right, meets with Kenya’s President William Ruto, left, Thursday, Sept. 21, 2023, in New York. (AP Photo/Jason DeCrow, Pool) The US is behind the multinational military invasion and occupation of Haiti. How did we get here? As all eyes are on the genocide in Gaza, Haiti is undergoing…

Defiance in the Caribbean: Haiti’s 2024 Uprising Against the US Empire

Eden Talk About Haïti In the heart of the Caribbean, amidst the echoes of history and the fervor of change, Haiti stands as a beacon of resistance against the forces of oppression. In this groundbreaking documentary, Prof. Jemima Pierre invites viewers to delve deep into the tumultuous landscape of Haiti in 2024, where a revolution…

France Owes Haiti Billions in Reparations

Daniel Johnson France stole from Haiti almost 200 years ago. However, France has not made an effort to repay what some scholars refer to as a freedom tax. One group is connecting these events to present-day turmoil and calling on the United Nations to ensure a wrong gets righted. The Guardian reports that 20 non-governmental organizations are…

The West is Still Afraid of Black Haitians

Jemima Pierre Two demonstrators in front of the American Embassy in Haiti At the beginning of March 2024, before the CELAC Heads of State meeting in Kingstown (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines), Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro denounced the new threats to the Haitian people: “We don’t agree with an invasion, whether open or camouflaged. The…

Haiti 2024: A Revolution Against the US Empire

Neutrality Studies In Collective West media, the violence taking place in Haiti is being reported as the symptom of a failed state. This is wrong. Haiti hs been the “laboratory of neo-colonialism” since at least 1915, and this is continuing today. At the moment, the Haitians are again revolting and striving to shake off the…

Kenya Halts Police Deployment to Haiti after Ariel Henry’s Resignation

Tanupriya Singh UN forces stationed in Haiti. Photo: The government of president William Ruto has suspended the deployment of 1,000 Kenyan police officers as part of a US-backed mission to Haiti. The news followed a day after Haiti’s de facto PM, Ariel Henry, announced his resignation to pave the way for the appointment of…

Haiti: 20 Years After the Coup

Jemima Pierre Jemima Pierre’s presentation at a forum to commemorate the US-France-Canada-sponsored 2004 coup d’état in Haiti. The forum was hosted by the Center for Caribbean Studies at the University of Toronto on February 26, 2024. My comments today focus on the general refusal to acknowledge that since 2004, Haiti has been under a foreign…