Defeat Fascism and Resist Provocation: Statement of the Presidium of the Central Committee of the CPRF

On the night of June 24 the representatives of PMC “Wagner” blocked the activity of military authorities in Rostov-on-Don and made some loud statements. Of course, the bloody Zelensky regime is trying to take advantage of this situation. It hastily amassed two brigades of marines for a possible attack on Artemivsk.

In the difficult period of the struggle against the imperial West, exorbitant personal ambitions have come before military and patriotic duty for a certain group of individuals. These people can explain their actions in any way they like, but substitution of the struggle against fascism with an attempt to seize power is treason to their comrades in arms and a crime against the people.

In this critical situation, the call of the President of the Russian Federation for the unity of our fellow citizens in the face of external threats deserves understanding and support. The globalists’ attempts to destroy Russia require us to put aside all ambitions and defend our homeland, just as our fathers and grandfathers defended it.

It should be remembered that the most outstanding examples of popular unity were demonstrated by the Soviet government. It responded to the threat of rising fascism, which became the key to the Great Victory in May 1945. By eliminating class divisions, bringing together the nations and nationalities of the USSR, and overcoming nationalist prejudices, it ensured genuine national unity.

Attempts to stage political squabbles today, against the backdrop of an increasingly complex international environment, are unacceptable. Moreover, they are insulting to our people, who actively, sincerely and unselfishly joined in the great multifaceted work of helping those who, risking their lives, rose to the fight against fascism.

Communists have repeatedly warned that neoliberal methods are ruinous for Russia in everything – be it economics or culture, social life or the building of the security forces. The very system of private military companies is a product of liberal views on the organization of society. Regardless of the heroism and sacrifice of the Wagner fighters in the fight against Nazism, the organization of military affairs on the principles of PMCs is flawed. The strength of the victorious Red Army primarily consisted in its blood tie with the people.

The CPRF actively supports the men who fight on the front lines against Nazism and Banderaism. Our great humanitarian work in support of Donbass since 2014 is widely known. As has been the case more than once in the twentieth century, Communists even today are the most consistent opponents of fascism and any manifestations of capitalist reaction.

We urge the citizens of Russia to remain completely calm. It is necessary to understand the complexity of the situation and not to yield to provocations. Fighters of the Wagner PMCs should soon come to their senses and cease to participate in political games aimed at destabilizing the situation inside the country. That is what Russia’s external enemies are most looking forward to.

To raise an armed insurrection at such a difficult time for the Fatherland is to take the side of the enemy. This kind of action qualifies by law as the most serious kind of crime. All those who say they are acting in the name of their fighting brotherhood must stop inciting their comrades to unlawful actions. We are certain that among the brave fighters, liberators of Artemovsk and participants of other events of the struggle against neo-Nazism there are many sincere patriots who have been drawn into an armed adventure against their will. We consider the necessary care for these people if the resolution of the situation requires the strongest possible action.

The situation once again raises the question of the importance of public control over the activities of state bodies. Power must rely on the people if it is to be trusted by the people. Combat and national security issues cannot be handled by commercial structures. The armed forces require undivided authority. At the same time, citizens must have mechanisms of control over the actions of power structures so that their representatives will not be tempted to engage in adventures.

First and foremost, all games with the expression of the will of citizens in elections must be stopped. The imposition of remote, electronic, and days-long voting on the country must be stopped, and a completely transparent, honest electoral system must be created. It is extremely important to create the conditions in which the Russian people will be able to freely elect intelligent, honest and active patriots to power. The forthcoming elections are designed to consolidate society, not to split it.

We insist that an effective and complete solution of the tasks of demilitarization and denazification in Ukraine is possible only on the basis of a change of the old course in Russia itself. The complete rejection of neoliberalism in the life of the state is the imperative of the times. The implementation of the new program of creation and development can no longer be postponed for a single day.

With the intensification of military operations at the front, the military insurgency in the rear of the active army must be liquidated. This provocation must be stopped and everything must be done to achieve complete victory over fascism in the area of the special military operation. The goals of demilitarization and denazification of Ukraine are a question of the future of the Russian and Ukrainian peoples, all peoples in the vast Eurasian space and, therefore, in the whole world.

2023 is the year of the 80th anniversary of fateful events, when our fathers and grandfathers, having defeated the fascist hordes at Stalingrad, began extensive offensive operations. They achieved outstanding victories near Orel, Kursk, Belgorod and began the liberation of long-suffering Ukraine from Hitler’s scum. The memory of these great deeds and their heroes is sacred! Today it calls the soldiers and officers of the Russian Army and all of us for an uncompromising fight against fascism!

Our people have strong nerves and a strong will! He will not kneel before the brown plague!

The enemy will be defeated! Victory will be for our people!

Chairman of the CPRF Central Committee

G.A. Zyuganov.

Borotba: The Unity of Anti-Fascist Forces is the Key to Our Common Victory

Safeguarding Humanity Against Fascism

Fighting for the Russian World and All Humanity