War Chief of the Tyendinaga Mohawk Bear Clan Denounces Trudeau for Threatening to Use Militarized Police on Unceded Indigenous Territory

Kanenhariyo (Seth Lefort) is War Chief of the Tyendinaga Mohawk Bear Clan. In this video, he responds to Premier Doug Ford’s state of emergency declared in response to the truckers rebellion.

Transcript by Real Peoples Media:

Kanenhariyo denounces the Federal and Provincial governments for threatening to use militarized police on unceded Indigenous territory to disperse the #truckersconvoy.

Kanenhariyo made a one hour long livestream last night about the Province of Ontario’s “state of emergency declaration.” We’ll be posting a few short clips of some of his key points.

Kanenhariyo warns Onkwehon:we people about the dangers of picking sides in a rebellion.

He suggests that the Governor General needs to get involved.

Kanenhariyo denounces Trudeau for threatening to use militarized police on unceded Indigenous territory to disperse the #truckersconvoy by force. Speaking of Canada, Kanenhariyo says “there’s no way we’re ever going to desire to be a part of you.”

Kanenhariyo wants to make it extremely clear: “None of the land of the 400 series highways has been surrendered to Ontario or to Canada. You don’t have any authority or jurisdictional right to make that claim. Those are our lands.”

Kanenhariyo denounces the theft of Indigenous resources from Ontario and says “You’re going to use that “state of emergency on us” in reference to Ford’s intention to make the anti-protest laws permanent.

“Canada is built on white supremacy. Literally built on white racism. The Canadian flag, that red and white maple flag, has as nasty of blood on it as swastika. I’m upset because what you’re doing is causing us to have to get involved with this now.”

“They’re weak right now, and they’re pretending that they’re strong. Stand up. They’re admitting to all of us they’re using that border to sell into the United States the resources that are the Indigenous peoples in these lands.”

“I’m upset because things are going to transpire here, and you have the audacity to claim this as your lands. And then you’re going to threaten people who are asking you to resign because of how you’re treating them….”

“I’m talking to all the brown people in the cities that didn’t want to go support them truckers because they thought they were racist. Well, the Liberal Government is racist. And so is the Conservatives. And the entire government of Canada is racist. And RCMPs are racist.”

Regarding Pat King: “A lot of people are afraid to be supportive of people like the Real Pat King because he said things like ‘they should just run us over’ when we were on the train. There’s a lot of you sitting in Ottawa wondering, ‘How come the warriors aren’t here?”

“We know what happens when we get involved in your fights. We get hurt.”

“Let me make something abundantly clear to you too, Mr. Pat King. I didn’t like something you said. You said if you’re born here, then you’re Indigenous to these lands. That’s not true. You’re immigrants.”

“Just because you fornicate with your wife in my backyard, doesn’t mean that your children are my people. You understand? It doesn’t mean that you become the Indigenous people of this land, it means you were born in another people’s country, that’s what happened.”

I heard [Pat King and supporters] chanting in Ottawa, that ‘this is our country, Canada is our country.’ It is not. This place needs to be broke up.”

Kanenhariyo’s advice to the Indigenous: “Rise up. Toll the highways. Toll the roads. Toll the bridges. Toll the railways. Start generating revenue back so that you don’t have to be afraid of biting the hand that feeds you. Bite the hand that beats you. That’s who they are!” Let’s put a toll of the 401, let’s put a toll on all the 400 series highways. Never mind the state of emergency, it’s our land.”

Kanenhariyo reminds Doug ford that the law of this land is the Kayenerekowa and the Two Row Wampum.

“Those of you who are in the military and the police that are listening to this. Cause I’m sure there’s going to be a bunch of you who are studying this to figure out how to call me something bad… You’re on the wrong side. You’re on the side of tyranny, of harming people.”

“I believe that [the government] is putting this state of emergency because they’re sitting in a house of cards. They’re not anywhere near as stable or as strong as they think they are.“

Canada has committed genocide, and it’s open and everyone knows it, and no one is talking about it. You invaded Wet’suwet’en territory 3 or 4 times in the last few years illegally. Trudeau said “illegal protests, illegal protest.” But that was an illegal invasion.

“The trains got shut down and then 300 road blocks and train blockades happened on account of it. Then Covid hit and everything got quiet. You spent 300 million dollars and paid off all the elected band councils to close down our borders and make everyone terrified.”

“Get ready. I don’t mean in a year or two, or five. I mean get ready right now. Get your boots on, get your bags packed. Talk to your family, go have a clan meeting. Go do all the things you’ve got to do and take some action.”

“They know that they’re having a rebellion and they’re not calling it what it is. It’s a peaceful one. They’re planning to harm these people, and they’re going to do it on our lands, and then they’re going to claim that it’s all their lands.”

“And [the government will claim] it’s their resources, and their infrastructure, and if anyone else ever acts up like that again they’re going to smash them even harder.”

“It’s time to stand up and say, “not this piece, not this chunk.” All the grand river six miles either side of the grand from the mouth to the source – all the people living there – you’re not living in Canada.”

“All the people on the entire shore of the Bay of Quinte and all its tributary waters all up through Peterborough and the Kiwarthas all of that, you;’re not living in Canada either. All along the St. Lawerence not Canada’s, not Ontario’s.”

“That 400 highway all covers inside our territory, our Onkwehonwe hunting grounds and the beaver bowl, the 1701 and all the nations that agreed to that.”

“I’m talking about heavy duty things, I know that. But I have a responsibility to speak out, to protect my people and my nation. I also have an obligation and a responsibility to the Two Row and the Silver Covenant Chain.”

“And that’s why I’m saying to the Governor General you need to step into this. You have the authority to over-ride [Trudeau] and you better do it.”