Pipeline v Genocide: How Turkiye Can Legally Block Oil Exports to Israel

Suat Delgen While Turkiye is legally bound by international agreements to ensure uninterrupted oil flow to Israel through the multinational BTC pipeline, it can leverage provisional ICJ measures to halt oil, and consequently, Israel’s brutal assault on Gaza. Israel receives 40 percent of its oil through the Baku–Tbilisi–Ceyhan (BTC) pipeline, a critical energy route running…

When Nicaragua Took Germany to Court, Media Put Nicaragua on the Stand

John Perry When Nicaragua accused Germany of aiding and abetting Israel’s genocide in Gaza at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) last month, readers of corporate media might have seriously wondered whether Nicaragua’s case had any legitimacy. The case targeted Germany as the second biggest supplier of arms to Israel, because the US, Israel’s biggest…

Surveillance and Interference: Israel’s Covert War on the ICC Exposed

Yuval Abraham and Meron Rapoport Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, seen with Yossi Cohen, then-head of the national security council, at a press conference at the Foreign Ministry in Jerusalem, October 15, 2015. (Miriam Alster/Flash90) Top Israeli government and security officials have overseen a nine-year surveillance operation targeting the ICC and Palestinian rights groups to try to thwart…

Fearing Prosecution, EU Officials Demand Israel Comply with ICJ Order

The Cradle As Israel continues to massacre Palestinian civilians across the Gaza Strip, European diplomats are finding it increasingly difficult to support the genocidal war EU diplomats on 27 May urged Israel to comply with an order from the International Court of Justice (ICJ) to “immediately halt” its offensive in Rafah, as attacks on shelters for displaced civilians have…

‘The International Legal Order Needs Repair — and Gaza is a Part of This’

Ghousoon Bisharat Palestinians at the site of a destroyed building from an Israeli air strike in Rafah, in the southern Gaza Strip, May 5, 2024. (Abed Rahim Khatib/Flash90) Al Mezan director Issam Younis explains the obstacles and opportunities for Palestinians following major interventions from the world’s top courts. In a whirlwind week for global legal…

International Community Must Ensure Israel’s Compliance With All Provisional Measures Orders

ICJ Orders Israel to “Immediately Halt its Military Offensive”: International Community Must Ensure Israel’s Compliance With All Provisional Measures Orders 24 May 2024 Al Mezan, Al-Haq, and the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR) welcome the new provisional measures order issued today by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in the case concerning Application of the Convention on…

Australia ‘Gone Missing’ on Preventing Genocide

Kellie Tranter Palestinians walk through a residential neighbourhood in Gaza devastated by the Israel Defence Force soon after 7 October, 2023. (Photo: Oxfam International) Newly declassified documents reveal how early and how much Australia knew of Israel’s genocide in Gaza after 7 October – and how it is failing to uphold its international obligations. Australia…

Dr. Naledi Pandor: The Global Anti-Apartheid Conference on Palestine

Naledi PandorForeign Minister Dr. Naledi Pandor on the indivisible bond of solidarity between South Africa and the Palestinian people, “forged by the crucible of the two nations’ respective liberation struggles.”  The following speech was delivered on May 10, 2024 by the South Africa Minister of International Relations Dr. Naledi Pandor to the Global Anti-Apartheid Conference on…

Amira Hass: “Resist the Normalization of Evil”

Our guest is the Haaretz correspondent Amira Hass, the only Israeli Jewish journalist to have spent 30 years living in and reporting from Gaza and the West Bank. She is the recipient of the 2024 Columbia Journalism Award, and on Wednesday she addressed the graduating class of the Columbia Journalism School in New York City….

Raji Sourani: “South Africa’s Case Against Israel Made History”

Nurah Tape  South Africa demonstrated “extraordinary courage by challenging what’s going on, by representing the Palestinian victims in one of the most important courts on earth, the International Court of Justice, and to charge Israel with the most serious charge that can be ever charged … genocide.” Palestinian human rights lawyer Raji Sourani has said…

Egypt Joins Growing Number of Countries Supporting South Africa vs Israel

Ahram Online Egypt announced its intention to officially intervene in support of South Africa’s genocide case against Israel at the International Court of Justice (ICJ), the Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced on Sunday. The ministry stated that Egypt’s decision to intervene in the lawsuit comes in light of the escalating severity and scope of Israeli…

‘End Israeli Apartheid’: Naledi Pandor Urges Progressive Forces to Push for Palestinians’ Rights

Palestine Chronicle  “Progressive forces need to push for the inalienable right of the Palestinian people’s right to self-determination, which has been systematically denied since the British mandate.” South Africa’s Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Naledi Pandor, has said “it has never been so urgent for progressive forces around the world to come together in…

Let Israel’s Leaders Get Arrested for War Crimes

Gideon Levy All decent Israelis must ask themselves the following questions: Is their country committing war crimes in Gaza? If so, how should they be stopped? How should the culprits be punished? Who can punish them? Is it reasonable for crimes to go unprosecuted and criminals to be exculpated? One may, of course, reply in…

World Court Rejects Ban on German Weapons Exports to Israel

Maureen Clare Murphy The International Court of Justice delievers a preliminary ruling in the case of Nicaragua vs. Germany, 30 April. The International Court of Justice has declined to issue emergency measures barring German arms exports to Israel but has not dismissed a complaint brought by Nicaragua. The ruling comes after Nicaragua initiated proceedings against Germany for its “participation in…