Reuters Exposes Washington’s Global Disinformation Campaign: The Rest of the Story

Brian Berletic In a recent article, Reuters confirms what many knew for years, that the United States government and its various departments and agencies have been conducting global disinformation campaigns targeting nations it seeks to undermine, and whose governments it seeks to overthrow. Washington was Deliberately Harming American “Allies”  The article titled, “Pentagon ran secret anti-vax campaign…

Behind the Myth of “Billions in Arms” Flowing into Ukraine

Brian Berletic In a June 8, 2024, Bloomberg article titled, “Putin Is Running Out of Time to Achieve Breakthrough in Ukraine,” an optimistic prognosis was made regarding the ongoing conflict in Ukraine in favor of Kiev. The article claims that Russia has made “limited progress” along the line of contact, including along the newly-opened front in Kharkov and that…

Buried in Steel: Military Production & NATO’s Proxy War in Ukraine

Brian Berletic Now in its third year, Russia’s Special Military Operation (SMO), precipitated by the overthrow of neighboring Ukraine’s elected government and the subsequent militarization of the country by the US and the rest of NATO, is admittedly benefiting from Russia’s immense military industrial base. The collective Western media, once replete with stories of shoddy,…

Taiwan Continues Toward US-Engineered “Ukraine-ization”

Brian Berletic The Chinese Island province of Taiwan continues to be targeted by the US and its political proxies through efforts to further consolidate political control over it and transform it into a geopolitical “battering ram” against the rest of China. Considering the catastrophic consequences the Eastern European nation of Ukraine is suffering from a…

Modern American Imperialism Part 1: US Political Capture as a Game

The New Atlas – The process used by Washington to politically capture a nation is very similar to a board game like Chinese Go; \ – The US seeks to place as many “game pieces” on the board as possible, crowding out those of the targeted nation meaning the US builds parallel institutions that eventually…

Cambodia Doesn’t Owe Washington an Explanation Over China Ties

Brian Berletic Associated Press (AP) in a May 8, 2024 article titled, “Chinese warships have been docked in Cambodia for 5 months, but government says it’s not permanent,” attempts to depict the Southeast Asian country of Cambodia as covering up growing Chinese-Cambodian military cooperation. Satellite images of Chinese warships docked at Cambodia’s Ream Naval Base for several…

Washington’s Proxy War in Myanmar Continues Along China’s Borders

Brian Berletic Overshadowed by ongoing fighting in Eastern Europe and the Middle East as well as growing tensions between the US and China, the ongoing conflict in Myanmar nonetheless constitutes a critical component of what is a larger global conflict. Depicted by Western governments and Western media as an isolated, internal conflict between a “military…

UK Unveils “Lethal” Challenger 3, Failing to Learn Lessons from Ukraine

Brian Berletic The United Kingdom’s Ministry of Defense announced that the “UK’s most lethal tank” has rolled off the production line. The same statement would claim that British Army soldiers are “one step closer to getting their hands on one of Europe’s most lethal tanks – the Challenger 3.” However, with few exceptions, the details of the Challenger 3 main…

Georgia Fight Against US Subversion & its Implications Worldwide

Brian Berletic Throughout the 21st century, the United States has invaded and occupied multiple nations, including Afghanistan in 2001, Iraq in 2003, and Syria in 2014. It has also led to military interventions rendering once prosperous nations into failed states, including Libya from 2011 onward. Beyond this more destructive and direct approach, the US has…

2009 US Policy Paper Planned Current Israeli-Iranian Tensions

Brian Berletic Since October 7, 2023 it would appear a spontaneous chain of events is leading the Middle East deeper and deeper into conflict. From Israel’s ongoing military operations in Gaza to its strikes on Hezbollah in southern Lebanon and repeated strikes across Syria (including the recent strike on Iran’s embassy in Damascus), to the…

Washington’s Political Capture of the Philippines: A Former Colony, a Future Proxy

Brian Berletic Tensions continue to grow in the Asia-Pacific region and more specifically in the South China Sea where China faces off against the United States and its collection of regional proxies including Japan and Australia. While the US claims these growing tensions stem from China’s desire to undermine “freedom of navigation” and stability in the region, it is…

West Declares Russian Elections “Undemocratic” Because it Doesn’t Like Winner

Brian Berletic In the wake of Russia’s 2024 elections and President Vladimir Putin’s landslide victory, the collective West has condemned the outcome as “rigged,” “stage-managed,” a “rubber-stamp presidential election,” and “pre-determined.” Headlines range from CNN’s, “Putin extends one man-rule in Russia after stage-managed election devoid of credible opposition,” which admitted President Putin amassed 87.3% of the vote, and Politico’s, “Putin ‘wins’ rigged…

Ukraine’s Manpower Crisis: No Amount of Money or Aid Can Solve It

Brian Berletic Both Ukraine and its Western supporters are raising the alarm over Ukraine’s military manpower shortage and the difficult decisions facing the Ukrainian government in resolving it, if it can be resolved. Ukraine’s manpower crisis represents a growing problem that no amount of Western financial or military aid can remedy, and may represent a…

Behind Washington’s Fear of China: An Obstacle to American Hegemony

Brian Berletic A recent op-ed appearing in Foreign Affairs titled, “The Taiwan Catastrophe,” helps paint a clear picture of US motivations behind its growing confrontation with China and the increasingly unrealistic nature of Washington’s desired outcome. The premise of the op-ed is built on a now declassified top-secret memo by US General Douglas MacArthur in 1950 describing Taiwan as an…

Russia’s “Aggressive Attrition” Cracks Fortress Avdeevka

Brian Berletic The term “aggressive attrition,” coined by geopolitical analyst Alexander Mercouris, can be described as a strategy of deliberately and aggressively creating strategic and political dilemmas compelling an adversary to commit large amounts of manpower, equipment, and ammunition to well-prepared areas of operation. Russia has employed this strategy successfully across the line of contact…

Fatal Flaws Undermine America’s Defense Industrial Base

Brian Berletic The first-ever US Department of Defense National Defense Industrial Strategy (NDIS) confirms what many analysts have concluded in regard to the unsustainable nature of Washington’s global-spanning foreign policy objectives and its defense industrial base’s (DIB) inability to achieve them. The report lays out a multitude of problems plaguing the US DIB including a lack of…