Hamas Statement on the 76th Anniversary of the Nakba

Al-Aqsa Flood is a natural extension of our people’s resistance and their legitimate right to defend their land and sanctities. It’s a strategic milestone that has restored the global presence of our cause, reinforced our national unity behind the resistance, shattered the enemy’s arrogance, and solidified our ongoing struggle for liberation and return, and the end of the occupation.

This year marks the painful 76th anniversary of the Nakba amid the heroic battle of Al-Aqsa Flood, waged by our Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip, united with their valiant resistance, led by the victorious Al-Qassam Brigades and the fighting Saraya Al-Quds, and all factions of the Palestinian resistance, in an epic saga lasting 222 days. During this time, the zionist occupation, its fascist government, and Nazi army failed to achieve any of their aggressive goals against our people in the Gaza Strip, despite committing horrific massacres and waging a genocide war that targeted all aspects of human life, using all types of weapons and ammunition, with full support and participation from the U.S. administration. The land of Gaza, like the blessed land of Palestine throughout history, has never been anything but noble, proud, and repelling to the occupying invaders.

76 years have passed since the zionist enemy occupied our historic land, and since the Nakba and displacement of our people, yet the great Palestinian people remain steadfast on their land, clinging to their rights and constants, defending their identity and sanctities, striking the finest examples of heroism, sacrifice, patience, jihad, and redemption at every stage of the struggle with the enemy. Despite the years, all attempts by the occupation to quell Palestinian consciousness, undermine their resistance, obscure their cause, or erase it have utterly failed. All its aggressive plans against our people in the Gaza Strip, the West Bank, Al-Quds, and inside the occupied territories will shatter against the rock of this great people’s steadfastness and the valor, strength, and fierceness of our resistance, and the rallying of our people in all squares of the homeland and abroad around the comprehensive resistance project as a path to liberating the land and sanctities.

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful,

On the 76th anniversary of the Nakba:

On this 76th anniversary of the Nakba, we in Hamas remember the souls of the martyred leaders and all the martyrs’ caravans of our people in the battle of Al-Aqsa Flood in Gaza, the West Bank, and Al-Quds, and in our Islamic nation, whose blood and sacrifices have become fuel and a beacon for all masses of our people in our ongoing battle against the zionist enemy. We pray to Allah for the speedy recovery of the wounded and the sick, and for the imminent freedom of the prisoners and detainees in the occupation’s prisons, and we affirm the following:

Firstly: We extend a greeting of pride and esteem to our enduring and steadfast people in the Gaza Strip of dignity, who are the people of loyalty, generosity, and sacrifice, with their souls and everything precious, for the sake of Palestine, Al-Quds, and Al-Aqsa, who continue to write the glory of Palestine and the nation, and craft their legendary epic in steadfastness, sacrifice, patience, and redemption, despite the pain of displacement, killing, expulsion, and daily bombing, and the war of starvation and thirst waged by the Nazi occupation, whose dreams and illusions will shatter on the land of Gaza, by Allah’s grace, power, and support.

Secondly: The ongoing battle of Al-Aqsa Flood has cemented the unity, cohesion, and solidarity of our people in all squares of the homeland and abroad, and has proven to the world that our people do not know defeat, surrender, or concession of their land, constants, and rights, no matter how long it takes, and no matter the strength and crimes of the aggressor and its partners and supporters, reaffirming the legitimacy of our people’s struggle and the justice of our cause and restoring its global presence, as a just national liberation cause, for the achievement of freedom, independence, and self-determination, and the establishment of a fully sovereign Palestinian state with Al-Quds as its capital.

Thirdly: The ongoing aggression of the zionist occupation for 76 years, and the genocidal crimes it has inflicted on our people in the Gaza Strip for more than seven months, constitute a stain of shame on the forehead of all those silent and negligent in exposing and criminalizing it and working to stop it, and we call on our nation and all the free people in the world to press by all means to stop the zionist aggression against our land, people, and sanctities, and support the steadfastness and struggle of our people aspiring for freedom and independence.

Fourthly: The support and bias of the U.S. administration for this aggression and the ongoing zionist criminality in the Gaza Strip, the West Bank, and the occupied city of Al-Quds, and the policy of double standards practiced by Western powers in dealing with our people’s cause and their legitimate rights; constitute a major sin against all norms and human values, making them partners in bearing responsibility for the genocide facing our people, and we renew our call for them to retract it and do justice to our people and their legitimate rights and end the occupation.

Fifthly: Al-Quds and Al-Aqsa Mosque are the focal points of the struggle with the zionist enemy, and the occupation has no legitimacy or sovereignty over an inch of both of their blessed land. Al-Aqsa Mosque has always been and will remain purely Islamic, and our people will continue to cling to the city of Al-Quds as the eternal capital of Palestine. They will not allow the erasure of its features and the alteration of historical and current realities, and will sacrifice lives and souls to liberate them from the filthiness of the occupation and its settler hordes.

Sixthly: We commend the sacrifices of our free prisoners and noble female prisoners in the occupation’s jails, and we affirm that we will remain loyal to them until their liberation. We warn the occupation against escalating its violations and crimes against them, and we hold it fully responsible for the life and safety of the prisoners and detainees in its jails since the beginning of this aggression. We call on the United Nations and human rights institutions to intervene by all means to criminalize and stop the systematic violations of the occupation against them.

Seventhly: The continuing suffering of millions of Palestinian refugees in camps within Palestine and in the diaspora is directly the responsibility of the zionist occupation, and their legitimate right to return to their homes from which they were displaced cannot be compromised or neglected. Here, we call on the United Nations and UNRWA to assume their legal and humanitarian responsibilities in supporting the rights of refugees, providing relief, and ensuring a decent life for them until their return is achieved.

Eighthly: We call on the masses of our people in all places of their presence, both inside and in the diaspora, to continue their steadfastness, firmness, and confrontation of the occupation and its plans, which target the land, identity, constants, and sanctities, by all means, in all arenas. We salute the hands of the heroes of our revolutionary people in Al-Quds and the entire occupied West Bank, and call on them to further stationing and clash with the enemy and its settler hordes, defending their existence, and in victory for Gaza, Al-Quds, and Al-Aqsa.

Ninthly: While we salute and value the global movement in solidarity with our people and our just cause, exposing the crimes of the occupation in the Gaza Strip, we call on all masses, solidarity activities, and supporters of the Palestinian right to continue and enhance this solidarity and support by all means, in all capitals, cities, and squares of the world, and to press on the countries, governments, and institutions supporting the occupation, until the zionist aggression on the Gaza Strip stops, and our people can secure their legitimate rights to freedom and self-determination.

Islamic Resistance Movement – Hamas
Wednesday: 07 Dhul-Qi’dah 1445 H
Corresponding to: 15 May 2024